Organizational History
The Elizabeth Mascia Child Care Center is a non-profit organization located in Tarrytown, NY since 1968. The Center is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children and licensed by the New York State Department of Children and Family Services. The staff of child care professionals is committed to continuing training and education to provide the highest quality of care, serving approximately 200 children in its child care programs.
Some highlights of our history
June 1968
Day Care Center of the Tarrytowns opens at the Foster Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church on Wildey Street, Tarrytown and provides care for 15 preschool children.
June 1969
The Center moves to Salvation Army Citadel, Wildey Street, Tarrytown, with annexes at Franklin Courts Community Building, the United Methodist Church and the YMCA, all in Tarrytown, to serve elementary school-aged children.
The Center relocates several times, to Marymount College, the Pierson School on Broadway in Tarrytown, the YMCA in Tarrytown and the Morse School in Sleepy Hollow. In June, 1985 the preschool program moves to Hope Presbyterian Church in Tarrytown, while the after-school program remains at Morse School.
The Center enters into a 30-year lease with the Village of Tarrytown for the present site at the former Pennybridge School on Sheldon Avenue. The Center assumes responsibility for renovations and completes those renovations with the assistance of the Community Workshop Program of Ossining Correctional Facility.
The toddler and preschool programs move to the permanent location on Sheldon Avenue in 1987 and the Center name is changed to the Elizabeth Mascia Child Care Center in honor of one of its founders and board members, Elizabeth Mascia. In the summer of 1988, the after-school group moves into the Center. The renovation is completed which permits the Center to offer nutritious meals to the children using its own kitchen facilities.
The toddler playground is completed. These playgrounds are available for use after hours, including weekends, by the community.
Spring 1993
The Center receives accreditation by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Beginning of the before-school program for students in the Public Schools of the Tarrytowns in those school buildings.
Beginning of the program of “playdates” at the Center with children enrolled at The Children’s School for Early Development in Hawthorne.