The Elizabeth Mascia Child Care Center offers a broad range of services for families with children with programs for all ages.
New York State Office of Children & Family Services requirements regarding the required ratio of staff members to children and the maximum allowed sizes of groups are followed for all programs. All children will be supervised at all times by qualified staff members according to those same requirements.
The Elizabeth Mascia Child Care Center provides nutritious and age-appropriate breakfasts, lunches and snacks daily at the main center. There is no additional charge for meals and snacks at the main center. A menu is shared with parents and posted in each classroom. Food provided by the center is peanut and sesame free.
Age appropriate activities are scheduled throughout the year for our Preschool and School-aged children. The children are outside each day, weather permitting, enjoying supervised outdoor activities such as playing on the Center’s playground, Village Tennis/Basketball courts, or engaging in activities under the pavilion/on the field. Classes also take nature walks in the Center’s surrounding neighborhoods.
Specials are enrichment classes that occur during the school day. We design our specials to expand the curriculum. The specials provide a learning experience throughout all the domains of early childhood development.
Music Program
We delight in the creative and magical experiences our masterful Delores Jiji provides. We schedule Music with Jiji twice monthly for each age group. Songs, finger-plays, rhythm and movement are all part of the musical experience.
We schedule a karate program once monthly for our Toddler and Preschool groups. This is an interactive program which introduces children to structure, discipline, and different ways of moving their bodies. the world of animals and their habitats.
LeapSmart is a movement based program for children, which teaches children to be resilient and promote high order thinking. Each movement class connects to the curriculum with a special emphasis on reinforcing language, math skills, and social/emotional development. This program is offered to our Toddler, Preschool, and School-Age Programs.
Greenburgh Nature Center
We schedule a nature program once monthly for our Toddler and Preschool groups. This is an interactive program which introduces children to the world of animals and their habitats.
Universal Pre-Kindergarten at John Paulding School
The Elizabeth Mascia Child Care Center is collaborating with the Public Schools of the Tarrytowns in universal pre-kindergarten services (UPK) at John Paulding School. EMCCC provides the instructional staff members for that program. The New York State Department of Education offers grant funding to school districts in support of UPK services. A stipulation of that grant funding is that school districts must collaborate with community early childhood education service providers in the provision of UPK services. There are six full day units of pre-kindergarten offered at John Paulding School staffed by EMCCC Teachers and Assistant Teachers. One instructional staff member in each of these pairings is fluent in Spanish. Class size is 18 children per class.
Inclusion Program
The Inclusion Program at EMCCC consists of collaborative classrooms operated by the Elizabeth Mascia Child Care Center and The Children’s School for Early Development of Westchester Arc. Teachers and Assistant Teachers from both organizations are present in the classrooms. The Children’s School specializes in preschool education for children with developmental delays. Children’s School students come to the Elizabeth Mascia Child Care Center daily to attend preschool classrooms along with other children enrolled at the Center. The Children’s School provides various specialists, including an occupational therapist, a speech therapist and a social worker, who are available to work with the children in the classrooms.